Ich hab bis jetzt alle Phrase, die mit einem a anfangen geschafft, mit Außnahme von diesen hier (copy&pasted):
Phrase: account_name_description = Account Name Description
Location: unknown
Phrase: adds_you_to_conversation = Adds you to a conversation
Location: unknown
Phrase: add_account = Add Account
Location: unknown
Phrase: all_forums_marked_as_read = All forums marked as read.
Location: unknown
Phrase: all_template_unit_tags_must_specify_label = All template *unit tags must specify a label.
Location: unknown
Phrase: any_forum = Any Forum
Location: unknown
Phrase: as_defined = As defined
Location: unknown
Phrase: attachment_disk_usage = Attachment Disk Usage (MB)
Location: unknown
Phrase: awarded = Awarded
Location: unknown
Ich weiß einfach nicht wo diese benutzt werden und bei XenForo kann mir nicht mal Brogan helfen
Phrase: account_name_description = Account Name Description
Location: unknown
Phrase: adds_you_to_conversation = Adds you to a conversation
Location: unknown
Phrase: add_account = Add Account
Location: unknown
Phrase: all_forums_marked_as_read = All forums marked as read.
Location: unknown
Phrase: all_template_unit_tags_must_specify_label = All template *unit tags must specify a label.
Location: unknown
Phrase: any_forum = Any Forum
Location: unknown
Phrase: as_defined = As defined
Location: unknown
Phrase: attachment_disk_usage = Attachment Disk Usage (MB)
Location: unknown
Phrase: awarded = Awarded
Location: unknown
Ich weiß einfach nicht wo diese benutzt werden und bei XenForo kann mir nicht mal Brogan helfen