Tip gesucht: die richtige Galerie

Ich hatte das gestern bei der Bestellanfrage bei ihm angefragt, aber die Übersetzerin kostet mich jedes mal Zeit und Geld. Ich hoffe der google Übersetzer war jetzt verständlich genug um das darzulegen. :rolleyes:

Auf den Rat das Template bei leeren Alben zu ändern schrieb ich grad das: "
Thanks, but that is not enough to solve my problem. Because if a picture in the album is that everyone can see, then you can not see that there's more.

So what I want to see all the albums in the overview of this is that there are 18 albums Rated, Guest and Registered can see the albums in the list, but the pictures do not FSK18. Example:

Heinz album contains 1 image free.jpg + 1 FSK18 image adult.jpg

User Groups
- Guest / looks albums overview
- Registered / album sees overview, see in the picture album 1 + free.jpg placeholder.jpg can consider free.jpg 1 picture
- Verified / album sees overview, see in the picture album 1 + free.jpg adult.jpg, one can look at picture free.jpg + adult.jpg"
Tjo, damit wird das nichts.

As I have mentioned above, since this focus on user's experiences (Users upload them), there is no option to achieve your question (Admin control them).