Sprachpaket für [gfn] Classifieds

AKA Forums

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1. Dez. 2015
I've recently purchased addon "GoodForNothing Classifieds" and I'm looking for "Sprachpaket" for it :).
There are lots of German Users we have on site and it would be great if the rest part of the forum (Classifieds) to be provided them in their native language too
Give me a few days. i had to update the translation .. ;)
@AKA Forums maybe you could remind me at friday .. :D
Wolltest du nicht ein paar Reifen testen ?! .. :p
Habe fertig, bin gestern abend zurück geflogen :)

Sogar auf ner Kawa................

Mal eine kleiner Zwischenstand von mir..

Da ich kein Fan von "Vorabversionen" bei Sprachpaketen bin gibt es von mir auch keine. Derzeit habe ich noch knapp 290 Phrasen im BackEnd, hauptsächlich im Bereich Moderation. Je nachdem wie weit ich heute noch komme wird es eventuell sogar noch eine Osterüberraschung werden .. :D

@AKA Forums I try to release the package today, maybe tomorrow.
I couldn't have enough time for finishing the package, so here is a beta with about 90% translation.
Take a look an feel free to suggest or review.

At first you should import the "xxx-core.xml"-language-file and after that you should import the language file.

The Core file has only import at the first time.


  • [GFN]Classifieds-RC6_DE-Beta.zip
    13,2 KB · Aufrufe: 14
There is question: I have both Du and Sie versions installed. Should I apply these files to both Du and Sie?
Yes you can .. ;)
But it is just the DU-Version. It is the same language, just a different spelling. You can use it until i release a SIE-Version